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Find out how PerfectBot is performing in conversations and impacting your resolution

Lucas avatar
Written by Lucas
Updated over a week ago

After you’ve set PerfectBot live, you can monitor its performance in the Statistics.

Use this report to see:

  • The deflection rate and resolution rate of chats in which PerfectBot is involved.

  • First response time

  • AI agent’s impact over time

  • Topics popularity

  • List of questions the AI agent couldn’t answer

Metrics definitions



Resolution rate

The percentage of chats resolved by PerfectBot (out of all PerfectBot replied chats).


The number of chats resolved by PerfectBot.

A resolved chat is either confirmed or assumed.

  • A confirmed resolution is when a customer responds affirmatively, such as saying ‘Yes’ or ‘Sure,’ to PerfectBot's follow-up question.

  • An assumed resolution is when a customer exits the conversation without asking for further help or giving a negative response, such as ‘No’ or ‘That didn’t answer my question.’

By default, the AI agent follows up on each response to ensure the issue is resolved.

Resolved chats auto-close 15 minutes after an answer is provided if there are no further replies from the customer.


The number of chats where PerfectBot:

  • Did not provide an answer, or

  • Provided an answer, but the customer reacted negatively to PerfectBot's follow-up question.

Requested team

The number of chats where the customer requested human support (e.g. 'I want to talk to an agent') or responded positively to a handover proposal.

This includes cases where:

  • The handover succeeded.

  • The transfer was incomplete, such as when the customer did not provide a required email.

Deflection rate

Percentage of chats not routed to a human agent (out of all PerfectBot replied chats).


The number of all chats involving PerfectBot, in which either:

  • The chat was successfully resolved, or

  • The customer left before receiving an answer or

  • The customer left after reacting negatively to PerfectBot's follow-up questions.

Routed to team

The number of chats where the customer requested human support (e.g. 'I want to talk to an agent') or responded positively to a handover proposal.

This includes only the cases where the handover succeeded, meaning the customer did not interrupt the process.

Chats replied

The number of chats where PerfectBot replied.

First response time

The average time between the first customer message and PerfectBot's response.

Gorgias Statistics

You can also evaluate the chatbot's performance in Gorgias Statistics, using the same metrics as those for human agents.

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